Our long journey

We're two friends who have decided to work the weight loss struggle together. We've made the decision to make the leap and press on through the ups and downs of the process. We realize this is not going to be easy, but it needs to be done. We're tired of feeling tired, weighed down by the extra baggage and depressed by the person staring back in the mirror.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Burpees...my latest Frienemy.

I've started a burpee routine. Ok, so they're modified, but I"m FAT, so I'm allowed to do modified burpees. Thankfully my sister has been ever so gracious to be my accountability partner. Three days in and I'm sore and tired. My goal in the next week is to up my burpee run to twice a day. I do it now at night, but I need to get it going a bit more. I'm thinking Saturday will be my rest day. I'm also going to start looking into some yoga videos. I'm hoping that I can start stretching out these tight muscles. I'm so tight, that I think my right shoulder is pulling my head off my spinal column.

I'm starting to track my weight again, and should probably start tracking my bg levels too. After the birth last year I fell off the proper eating plan wagon HARD! So hard, that I apparently bumped my head and forgot how I did the diet in the first place. I've got the eating plan, I just have to get onto it and be crazy strict with myself. I fell into it so easily when I started before. Losing my 80 pounds was "easy". I now however find myself stress eating, missing meals, and just not eating at all some days. BAD BAD BAD! I refuse to let this beat me again. I'm getting S E R I O U S... well...I've got a goal to get serious. I keep saying " today's the day" and then never follow through.