Well I sure haven't! At least not as of tonight. I joined a 12 week program with a bunch of facebook people..and while I've been cheering everyone on their journey, I haven't even started mine. I keep putting it off, and shuffling it aside. I pretend it's all for lack of finding my eating plan, or that I don't go to bed early enough (she says as it's 1:20 in the am) , or that I just don't have the room ...equipment...motivation..determination...blah de blah de blah....
Well, seriously, I'm running out of clothing to wear. My pre-pregnancy jeans haven't fit since I gave birth, my fat jeans are loose, but not loose enough. I'm over eating, or under eating all at the same time. I can't track things, I tried the online route of putting things into a planner, but even that didn't help much. I have got to kick myself into shape. I feel horrible, look horrible, my "will power" is lacking in every aspect.
I wish you were here and we could really do this together. I mean like, I call you at 5 am to get us going, or you pull my out of my comfy little cubby hole to get us going. Seriously, we could be dangerous together....though that could go both ways now that I think about it. LOL
SO, procrastination must go! Fat ass MUST GO! I don't care if I turn up flabby from weight loss...I'd prefer if I could build muscle along the way to take the place of that flab, but I'm not going to complain when it starts.
So now, I head to bed...in hopes that tomorrow will bring a lot more determination!
Tomorrow I'm sending you my list of why I am doing this, and my goals broken down into bite sized bits. I think it's the only way I'm going to be able to get started. **sigh**